
About Novo-Pharm

Novo-Pharm’s goal is to make high-quality AAS available to everyone, with no need for compromises.

Our Principles

Undeniable verified purity;
World-class manufacturing standards
Top-quality raw materials;
Bespoke reliability for partners;
Pride in doing best for the community.


Years on The Market

We know you trust us with your results. We never fail.

Novo-Pharm is proud to serve the community for 15 years and counting. Our spotless reputation is the best motivation to keep on improving the quality of our products. We aim at perfection and never intend to stop.

Top-class Facilities

GMP certified equipment & production lines

Constant Improvement

R&D projects based on decades-old compounds
  • Pure and simple classics
  • New and effective mixes
  • Community trust — in every vial

Explore Our Main Products

The Novo-Pharm logo has long been recognized as the symbol of purity and affordable quality in the community. Take a look at our most popular products. We owe our reputation and hard-earned trust of the community to these compounds.

Perfection at Every Step of The Way

How can we improve the compound without altering effective decades-old formulas? How to make perfectly good compounds even better? We found all the answers.

Hire PROs

Only pharmaceutical experts work at Novo-Pharm facilities. We make top-quality compounds and can’t afford to save on people.

Get Exceptional RAWs

We never save on raw materials. Only the best are used. Period. If we can’t make it better than others — we don’t make it.

Manufacture like it’s nuclear

Our facilities, all with the latest available equipment, would pass FDA and Health Canada commissions. We raise the standards.

Deliver only the best

Only the compounds that pass a detailed quality control process make it to our distribution partners. No exceptions — in all 15 years.

We are trusted by Canada’s best PED distributors

Novo-Pharm is the favorite AAS laboratory for the most reputable Canadian sources. And it’s been this way for 15+ years, since 2007. We’re proud to serve the community, and know that the results of thousands of athletes depend on our products. Novo-Pharm has committed to never fail our clients.

We started in the Canada as a single pharmaceutical R&D facility in 2007, and now maintain 2 top-of-the-notch laboratories capable of delivering exceptional products nationwide. 

Throughout its history, Novo-Pharm laboratories worked on generic medications, prescription medicines in various fields, and performance enhancement compounds. Now the company has narrowed its field of expertise to manufacturing solely PEDs, mainly because it’s the only way to devote all our capabilities to improving the end product quality.

We’re happy to grow the list of our partners and always open to new possibilities. Make a request using the contact form and one of our sales department representatives will contact you for details.